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OPINION : Models with personalities.

I find it almost amusing how models and their personalities seem to go in cycles.

First up we had the supermodels such as Cindy Crawford, Naomi Campbell and the such. These women were impressively gorgeous but unattainable. They were held up as the image of female perfection and expected to behave as such.

In the 90s, modelling took a swing and the waif reigned. Industries wanted the Kate Moss look and the term Heroin Chic was born. These women were expected to have a mysterious edge to them. They gave little interviews, little insight but all of which had hot boyfriends. Moss learned from the supermodel era. She was too young to join the supers but was almost trained by the women of that time. She didn't start really speaking to the media until 2007 when she launched her Topshop collection.

So that brings us to the next wave of celebrity models. What we have now - a race to be the ost likeable personailty on the catwalk. Jordan Dunn has a cooking program, Karlie Kloss makes cookies, Cara Delevingne tweets photos of herself and even Moss is trying to do as much promotion as possible.

It seems the game has changed. Has the game changed or have they changed? or have we changed? It's hard to say where this sudden burst of interest in the models has come from but are we better off for it? Do we prefer them to be personalities where it becomes a case of Jordan Dunn wearing Burberry instead of the focus rightly being on the clothes on show?

In an age where we get so bored of celebrity so quickly, we seem to not have grown tired of the supers. We still get excited by them and want to watch things with them in it (The Duran Duran single anyone!??!). It's too early to see if Cara, Karlie and Jordan will provide the same sort of long lasting modelling fame.

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