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Versatile Blogger Award?...

Hi! La Gazelle Nails recently nominated me for the Versatile Blogger Award. I finally have some time to post about it here. Woohoo~

Now, I've received this award before so I'm going to skip the nominating part and go straight to the 7 things about yourself part. Here they are:

I am not a fan of (extended) family reunions. Imagine having all your aunts, uncles, cousins, grandparents in one room asking about your love life... Awkward... Soooo awkward... I just shovel tons of food in my mouth to avoid answering... lol.

I don't drink alcohol. I've taken little sips now and then but I've never really finished a whole glass. I like Coca Cola better... 

Some of you might have noticed that I have scars (or darker areas) around my nails. That's because I suffered from a nasty bout of eczema three years ago. I thought I had the usual dryness on my hands but after washing some clothes, all hell went loose. I had to rush to a dermatologist and I received all sorts of prescription medicine. Luckily, it was cured and I haven't experienced anything as severe ever since. Woohoo!

I am the youngest of four children. I have two older sisters and one older brother. Chaos... 'Nuff said.

I suffer from road rage. I hate traffic violators. There are a lot of annoying (and stupid!) drivers here. They take u-turns in front of no u-turn signs, park in front of no parking signs and load in front of no loading signs. They will try and take a left turn from the second lane when the light's red thus blocking all the vehicles behind them. They will swerve and counter-flow like crazy. Ugh. I can go on and on and on... And don't get me started on jaywalkers... 

I have sweaty palms. Like, eeeeeek. It's usually hot and humid here so I always carry handkerchiefs. I also have one nearby when I take my nail shots (to wipe the sweat away)... 

Lastly, I want to learn how to make my own jewelry (and clothing). I love fashion but I don't think fashion loves me back... lol. I really wish I knew how to make my own accessories... 

I have shared all my dirty secrets with you now. lol. And thank you again to La Gazelle Nails for nominating me! 

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