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Sophie Scheder looked at both Aliya Mustafina and Andreea Iridon.
Sophie said, "Andreea and I are escaping justice while it's still possible to do so.  It would be a good idea if you would escape with Andreea and I."
Aliya said, "I'm not doing anything of the sort.  I'm staying right here and I'm going to kill those jerks while it's still possible for me to do so."
Andreea said, "What happens if you end up failing and getting killed in the process."
Aliya said, "I'm not going to fail and get killed.  Such a thing isn't possible."
 Andreea Iridon looked at Aliya Mustafina and Sophie Scheder.  Andreea was concerned by what Aliya had said to her.
Andreea said, "Are you sure?  It's still isn't too late for you to escape before you're killed forever."
Aliya said, "I might have better chances of survival if both of you girls stayed here and fought against our victimizers while it's still possible."
Sophie said, "I would love to make the effort, but I really need to escape and I'm taking Andreea with me while escaping."
Andreea said, "Hold on a second, I think I see something."
Sophie said, "Oh no you don't, the second you die is the second that I die and I'm not going to die.  Let's escape now while it's still possible."
Aliya said, "You two girls are being foolish, but I won't hold it against you both when I kill our victimizers without your assistance."
Aliya Mustafina watched as Sophie Scheder and Andreea Iridon walked off and exited the Dandelion Gymnastics Gymnasium.
Trinity Thomas, Shilese Jones, Kara Eaker, Grace McCallum, and Jade Carey looked like normal teenage girls at first.  But appearances are deceptive.  The entire Female Gender is an evil parasite pretending to be drag queens.  Girls are unnatural and Drag Queens are natural.  So when you see the truth, you see parasites pretending to be Girls pretending to be Drag Queens.  The end result is so disturbing to look at, that unprovoked acts of murder one is needed to end the unnatural parasite known as the Female Gender.
Trinity Thomas, Shilese Jones, Kara Eaker, Grace McCallum, and Jade Carey wore their street clothes before entering the Women's Locker Room.  The Women's Locker Room is about as unnatural as the Women's Bathroom.  There was only one gender maximum the whole entire time---The Male Gender.  Women is a fake Gender Parasite pretending to be a Drag Queen.  Men were immortal until Women came along to disrupt immortality with their poisonous parasite ways.  Pregnancy was a fake and meaningless.  Boy Babies recycles dead boys previously killed by girls only to be ruined and killed by a fake sex scandal one and all.  Girl Babies spread the parasite infection even wider.
All five girls slowly undressed on hidden camera videotape before slowly dressing in their skin tight leotards.  Pedophile child molesting videotapes of little boys were erased and replaced by images of Elementary, Junior High and High School Girls dressing and undressing.
Trinity said, "I have a great idea.  We can bring dead girls back to life." 
Grace said, "Be careful lady, you're going to provoke the boys into killing all five of us girls one by one successfully."
Kara said, "Those Boys are going to wipe out us girls no matter what we do.  Us girls might as well resurrect other girls so that the boys attempt to wipe out us girls will be disrupted and delayed a few hours longer."
Shilese said, "Sounds good to me.  Let's do it."
Charlie Cheerleader said, "I can't let you horrible Girls get away with it.  I must kill all five of you girls now before it's too late."
Jade said, "Go ahead and try to kill me you horrible boy, but us girls will end you boys forever!  Trust me, you can't know the truth about girls everywhere and live to tell about it to every Boy in sight.  Us girls won't let boys like you do such a thing!"
Trinity said, "Let's attack the boy now!"
Shilese said, "It will be good for us Girls to kill that horrible Boy once and for all.  The only way that Boy can save himself from getting killed by all five of us girls is to kill all five of us Girls.  That Boy is doomed and he'll never succeed in killing another Girl."
Charlie Cheerleader kicked Trinity to the ground before he punched Grace to the ground.  Kara kicked Charlie and he fell backwards against Jade knocking her to the ground while his left leg kicked Kara to the ground.  Charlie stood up and he punched Shilese to the ground.  Grace stood up and she punched Charlie before she kicked him to the ground.  Charlie fell and he lay still and motionless.  Trinity, Kara, Jade and Shilese stood up and all four girls stood next to Grace.
Grace said, "That's one Boy dead."
Kara said, "Be careful, that Boy is hard to kill."
Grace said, "That boy doesn't look hard to kill to me."
Trinity said, "I'll take whatever advantage is avalable."
Shilese said, "So what happens now?"
Jade said, "Now we kill the rest of those horrible acting boys."

Brittany Rogers, Shallon Olsen and Rose Woo was dressed in their street clothing as they sat outside the Dandelion Gymnastics Gymnasium on a stone bench. 
Brittany said, "Look at poor Charlie Cheerleader.  He so badly wants to kill us, but he doesn't know how.  Such a poor hopeless person."
Rose said, "Either Shallon or I should comfort Charlie Cheerleader."
Shallon said, "Charlie Cheerleader isn't going to approach either of us girls unless us girls are dressed in our leotards.  That's because the easiest way to kill off the us girls is when we're dressed in our leotards.  Of course, it's probably because the jerk wasn't trying hard enough."
Shallon cried out, "Hey Charlie Cheerleader, what's up.  How is it going?"
Charlie Cheerleader replied, "All of you girls is going to die."
Shallon said, "I'm still waiting for my death scene."
Rose said, "Don't provoke the guy.  He's already scary acting."
Brittany said, "I think we should enter the gym already."
Rose said, "I guess it's necessary.  We're running out of Dandelion Gymnastics Girls and we're one of the few girls left standing."
Shallon and Rose stood up.  Rose bumped into Shallon and pressed her breasts on Shallon's spine and pressed her vagina on Shallon's rear end which nearly caused both girls to fall down against Brittany.  Shallon pressed her breasts on Brittany's breasts and her vagina on Brittany's vagina.  All three girls nearly fell down, but quickly recovered in time.
Brittany said, "Watch we're you're going."
Shallon said, "Rose was the clumsy one."
Rose said, "No, Shallon was the clumsy one."
Britany said, "Both of you girls needs to quit it."
Brittany, Shallon and Rose entered the Dandelion Gymnastics Gymnasium, walked across the lobby and entered the women's locker room.  Shallon Olsen, Rose-Kaying Woo,  Isabela Onyshko, Elisabeth Black and Brittany Rogers gathered in various stages of undress.  All five girls were unaware that they were being recorded by hidden camera. 
Elisabeth said, "It took you girls long enough."
Rose said, "We were enjoying the evening before being pulled into this."
Elisabeth said, "I appreciate the backup.  It's badly needed."
Shallon said, "Yeah, I noticed all the dead bodies all across the lobby and the women's locker room.  The Girl Killing, Woman hating Posse has been busy with their killing spree."
Brittany said, "It's nothing that us girls can't take care of."
Isabela said, "I certainly hope so.  I don't want to end up dead after successfully staying alive up until this point."
Rose said, "One of us girls still needs to check on poor Charlie Cheerleader.  He's standing out there outside the building with nobody to talk to."
 Shallon said, "I could keep the jerk occupied if you girls desire."
Elisabeth said, "It's far better to stay inside the building."
Isabela said, "What difference does it make if us girls are inside the building or outside the building if us girls are going to end up dead anyway."
Elisabeth said, "You're not supposed to make it easy for those jerks to kill you off."
Rose said, "I'm going outside the building if Shallon isn't going outside the building."
Brittany said, "Let's calm down and think about this rationally."
Rose said, "I'm already thinking about this rationally."
 Now dressed in their skin tight leotards, Shallon Olsen, Rose-Kaying Woo,  Isabela Onyshko, Elisabeth Black and Brittany Rogers exited the women's locker room and stood outside of it in the lobby.  Shallon looked at the doors leading outside the building.
Shallon said, "Last chance to talk me out of exiting the building."
Elisabeth said, "This is insanity.  Come on Brittany, talk to those girls."
Brittany said, "Don't force me to retrieve Shallon and Rose if they exit the building and vanish."
Elisabeth said, "Look, I wouldn't be asking this of you, but we're running out of girls and you're the one reliable girl I can count on."
Isabela said, "I'll keep Elisabeth company.  The only way to prevent me from doing so is to murder me needlessly."
Elisabeth said, "There's a girl with spirit."
Rose said, "Technically, all five of us girls are still together so there's still hope."
 Shallon said, "For right now at least.  I'm exiting the building."
Rose said, "For Goddess sake, be reasonable."
Shallon said, "Don't worry, I'll be back."
Isabela said, "This evening started off bad and it's getting worse for us girls."
Elisabeth said, "Come on Brittany, talk to the girl."
Brittany said, "I'm trying, but I'm not getting through."
Brittany stood in the way and Shallon tried to walk around her.  Brittany stood in the way once again.
Shallon said, "Get out of the way."
Brittany said, "Force me to get out of the way."
 Shallon walked directly into Brittany pressing her breasts on Brittany's breasts and her vagina on Brittany's vagina.  Shallon pushed Brittany out of the way before exiting the building.
Shallon stood outside the building as she walked towards Charlie Cheerleader.  Charlie Cheerleader may be forced to kill the girl if she keeps insisting on talking to him and distracting him from his thoughts about Shit For Brains Lad instead.
Elisabeth stood in front of Rose. 
Elisabeth said, "Not you too.  Come on, think about this.  I need you in this building."
Shallon said, "I need to drag Shallon back into the building.  The only way to stop me is to kill me."
Elisabeth said, "No more girls is going to die tonight."
Rose said, "Let's hope you're right."
 Rose said, "Excuse me."
Rose walked around Elisabeth and she exited the building.  Charlie Cheerleader punched Rose and she kicked him.  She punched him twice and he kicked her twice before punching her.  He punched her twice before she kicked him.
 Rose said, "I was only here to strike up a conversation you jerk."
Charlie Cheerleader said, "Sorry lady, but Shit For Brains Lad can't be released from the closet until you are dead.  You can't distract me from thinking about him."
 Charlie Cheerleader kicked Rose.  Rose looked at her murderer blankly as she fell forward face down.  Rose tried to stand up, but her body went numb as her eyes started to close.  Rose is dying and nothing will save the girl from dying.

 Rose stopped breathing and she died face up. 
 Rose Woo is no longer alive.  Rose Woo is legally dead.
Shallon approached Charlie Cheerleader and noticed Rose's dead body.
Shallon said, "Dear Goddess, you truly have gone too far."
Charlie Cheerleader said, "Show me what you got lady."
Shallon said, "It would be my pleasure."
 Shallon tried to punch Charlie Cheerleader and he stepped back and she missed.  She tried to kick him and he stepped back causing her to miss.
Shallon said, "Keep still damn it."
Charlie Cheerleader said, "Force me to stand still."
 Shallon tried to punch him and he stepped back causing her to miss.  He smiled as she approached him with determination to kill.  The only way to stop the girl is to kill her.
 Charlie Cheerleader punched Shallon and she winced in pain.  She struggled to breath as she slowly started to die.  She staggered some more as she somehow managed to remain standing.
 Shallon fell backwards on top of Rose's dead body---Rear end on vagina and spine on breasts.  Shallon tried to stand up, but her dying body won't let her.  Tears ran down her face as death started to claim her.  The girl was dying and her death will be permanent. 

Shallon Olsen closed her eyes and she died.  Shallon is no longer alive.  Shallon is legally dead.
Morgan Hurd woke up later in the evening than she expected.  Tonight was her night off, but with so many Dandelion Girls dying, she was called into action anyway.  And so she walked from her makeshift room at the Second Dandelion Safehouse (Which wasn't supposed to have bedrooms at all) and walked towards the Dandelion Gymnastics Gymnasium. 
 Morgan Hurd walked past Charlie Cheerleader without knowing it.  She walked into the Dandelion Gymnastics Gymnasium and walked across the lobby towards the women's locker room.  Morgan walked over dead girls scattered all across the lobby on her way to the women's locker room.
 Morgan walked over dead girls that were scattered across the women's locker room.  She proceeded to strip to her bra and panties without realizing that she's being recorded on hidden camera.  She walked around in her bra and panties before dressing in her skin tight leotard.
  Ragan Smith approached Morgan Hurd.
Ragan said, "There you are.  I thought I wouldn't find you."
Morgan said, "I'm still alive.  Nobody killed me yet."
Ragan said, "That's good to hear.  Hold on a second, I need to check on something."
Ragan continued, "Please don't vanish or die anytime soon.  I don't want to risk my life trying to find you until I'm attacked and killed."
Morgan said, "No jerk is going to attack and kill you as long as I'm alive."
Ragan said, "Thank Goddess for that."
Morgan tripped and fell as Ragan walked off.  Elena Eremina approached Morgan Hurd.  Elena bent over to hug Morgan as she sat on the gym mat.  The two girls hugged tightly for a few minutes.
Elena asked, "You gave me a scare over there.  You nearly died.  Are you ok?"
Morgan said, "Yeah, I'll be fine.  Thanks for the concern."
Morgan Hurd walked towards Elisabeth and the two girls hugged each other warmly.
Morgan said, "I'm so glad that you're still alive.  There are too many dead girls around this building."
Elisabeth said, "There are dead Dandelion Girls scattered around the gymnasium portion of this building too.  The dead girls is starting to outnumber the remaining surviving girls."
Elena Eremina approached Morgan Hurd and Elsabeth Black. 
Elena said, "Thank Goddess the two of you girls are still alive."
Elisabeth said, "Morgan and I are still alive for the time being.  This is the third and final level of the Dandelion Gymnastics Girls.  No Dandelion Gymnastics Girls is allowed to survive beyond this level.  That means that all three of us girls are required to die to prevent our victimizers from masturbating fully clothed on top of either of us three girls."
Morgan said, "We don't have to let those creeps determine who wins and who loses the battle to the death between the males against the females."
Elena said, "I wish it were that simple."
 Elisabeth faced Morgan and Elena. 
Elisabeth said, "The Dandelion Gymnastics Gymnasium will fall under the control of the Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse when the last of the Dandelion Gymnastics Girls are wiped out all the way down to zero.  It will be interesting to see which of us three girls gets to die first."
Morgan said, "You're starting to creep me out."
Elena said, "You're not the only girl creeped out by this Morgan."
 Elisabeth said, "There is somebody I need to speak to before I challenge our victimizers to a battle to the death.  What about you two girls?"
Elena said, "I also have somebody to speak to before I challenge our victimizers to a battle to the death.  That leaves Morgan as the first of us three girls to be attacked."
 Morgan said, "I don't want to be attacked and killed."
Elisabeth said, "None of us three girls wants to be attacked and killed.  However, none of the surviving Dandelion Gymnastics Girls is allowed to survive the third and final level."
Elena said, "Elisabeth isn't going to survive anyway with an attitude like that."
 Elisabeth said, "I dare Morgan to attack these creeps first."
Morgan said, "You know I'm going to die if I attack those creeps first."
Elena said, "Morgan doesn't need to attack anybody first."
Elisabeth said, "Sorry, but Elena and I can't die until Morgan dies first."
 Morgan said, "I'd rather that the three of us girls doesn't die at all.  Even better, I was hoping to be the last girl standing if possible."
Elisabeth said, "Sadly, Morgan will be dead when it's time for Elena and I to be attacked and killed."
Elena said, "Dear Goddess, what's your problem Elisabeth.  You've become morbid all of a sudden."
 Elisabeth walked away from Morgan and Elena. 
 Morgan looked at Elena as Elisabeth walked further away from the two girls.
 Elena walked away from Morgan.  Morgan was left alone to her own devices.
Elena smiled as she walked past Drama King.  She knew she wasn't allowed to die before Morgan's death and that caused her to walk past Drama King with a proud smirk on her face.  Drama King needs to kill Elena, but Morgan needs to die first.  Time for Morgan Hurd to needlessly die.
 Morgan punched Ice Skating Lad twice before kicking him.  Ice Skating Lad fell dead as Morgan walked over his corpse.
 Morgan punched Drama King and he fell dead instantly.  Morgan walked over Drama King's corpse.
 Morgan walked towards Skunk Lord.  She smiled.  He smiled.
Morgan said, "What's up dude."
Skunk Lord said, "I'm about to kill a girl.  What about you."
Morgan said, "Sorry, but I'm not going to die today."
 Morgan kicked Skunk Lord twice and she punched him twice.  Skunk Lord fell dead.  Morgan walked over his corpse.
 Morgan tripped and nearly fell with the Micro Sized Sexual Orgasm Enhancement Sonic Wave Machine disrupter device turned on.  So tripping and falling would've killed her with the Micro Sized Sexual Orgasm Enhancement Sonic Wave Machine disrupter device turned on.  Morgan recovered in time so she didn't die after all.
 Morgan faced Extreme Universe Edition Skunk Lord.  Extreme Universe Edition Skunk Lord looked at Morgan.  Morgan smiled.  He smiled.
Extreme Universe Edition Skunk Lord said, "You realize that you must die."
Morgan said, "Sadly, you're not the guy who will kill me."
 Morgan tripped and she nearly fell with the Micro Sized Sexual Orgasm Enhancement Sonic Wave Machine disrupter device turned on.  So tripping and falling would've killed her.  Morgan recovered in time to face Extreme Universe Edition Skunk Lord.
 Morgan punched Extreme Universe Edition Skunk Lord and he fell dead instantly.  Morgan walked over his corpse.
 Morgan walked out of the Dandelion Gymnastics Gymnasium to face Charlie Cheerleader.
Morgan said, "You're the last of them."
Charlie Cheerleader said, "You wish you were that lucky."
Morgan said, "I am that lucky."
 Morgan punched Charlie Cheerleader and he fell dead.  Morgan walked over his dead body and she reentered the Dandelion Gymnastics Gymnasium.
 The Surviving Dandelion Gymnastics Girls clapped with enthusiasm as Morgan entered the gymnasium portion of the Dandelion Gymnastics Gymnasium.
Morgan said, "And that's how it's done."
 Morgan walked towards Skunk Lord's corpse without knowing it.  She tripped over Skunk Lord's corpse and she fell face first to the ground. 
 Ice Skating Lad returned to life as Morgan struggled to stand up.
 Drama King returned to life as Morgan struggled to stand up.
 Skunk Lord and Extreme Universe Edition Skunk Lord returned to life as Morgan fell face first to the ground and she slowly started to die.  Morgan struggled to breathe as her life slowly came to a violent end.  Morgan is dying and nothing will save the dying girl.
Morgan Hurd closed her eyes and she died as Charlie Cheerleader returned to life.  Morgan Hurd is no longer alive.  Morgan Hurd is legally dead.
Ekaterina Kramarenko and Tatiana Nabiyeva stood nearby each other as Elena Eremina approached both girls.  Elena winced in pain as she saw Morgan Hurd violently and needlessly die permanently.  Guy deaths are temporary while girl deaths are permanent.  Tatiana hugged Elena breasts on spine and vagina on rear end.  Tatiana's right arm wrapped around Ekaterina's shoulders while Tatiana's right breast touched Ekaterina's left breast.
Ekaterina said, "Well, that was fun while it lasted."
Elena said, "It didn't last nearly long enough.  One of us three girls needs to stand guard outside in case Charlie Cheerleader tries to enter this building."
Ekaterina said, "I shall be that girl."
Elena said, "I can do it instead."
Tatiana hugged Ekaterina breasts on breasts and vagina on vagina.  Then Tatiana hugged Elena breasts on spine and vagina on rear end.
Tatiana said, "I'll let you two girls decide who stays indoors and who stands guard outdoors."
Ekaterina said, "I'll stand guard outdoors and Elena will stay indoors with Tatiana.  The only way to kill Tatiana is to first murder Elena."
Elena said, "I'm not going to be easy to kill like Morgan was easy to kill."
Tatiana said, "I certainly hope you're both strong and resilient."
Brittany Rogers smiled with joy as Elsabeth Black.  One of the two girls must die first and the other of the two girls must die second.
Brittany said, "It's hopeless.  It's all hopeless.  All of us girls is going to die."
Elisabeth said, "No harm will come to me as long as you're alive.  So you need to stay alive to ensure that I get to stay alive."
Brittany said, "Then don't walk off because I need you standing here to ensure that I get to survive."
 Elisabeth said, "I need to check that corner of the gym over there for a few seconds.  Then I'll be back to help you out.  I promise."
Brittany said, "That isn't good enough.  Don't walk off and leave me vulnerable to a murder attack if my death is the only way that you get to die."
Elisabeth said, "But I really need to check that portion of the gym.  The survival of us girls depends on it or else the rest of us girls will violently and needlessly die."
 Elisabeth sat down on the floor and held Brittany's hand as she sat on a chair.
Elisabeth said, "Don't worry, I'll be gone for only a few seconds."
Brittany said, "A few seconds is needed to kill me.  And then a few more seconds is needed to kill you too.  We can't allow that to happen."
Elisabeth said, "Calm down and relax.  Try to hold it together.  I'll only be gone for a few seconds."
Brittany said, "If that portion of the gym needs to be checked out, then the only way to defeat you from doing so is to kill you.  You can't be killed until I'm killed.  I'm too young to die."
Elisabeth said, "Sorry, but it's a risk I need to take."
 Elisabeth Black walked away from Brittany Rogers.  Brittany continued to sit on the chair as she watched Elisabeth walk off and vanish from sight.  Hurry up and kill Brittany so that Elisabeth will get her chance to violently and needlessly die.  Brittany took a deep breath as she kept watch for the Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse.
 Brittany thought about exiting the Dandelion Gymnastics Gymnasium to check on Rose and Shallon.  Brittany failed to realize that both Rose and Shallon are legally dead.  However, Brittany needs to die and Charlie Cheerleader is the perfect guy to kill her.  But she needs to exit the building before she can die.
Meanwhile, Elisabeth thought she heard male footsteps behind her as she walked further and further away from the safety of the all girl group.  She spun around and she faced Skunk Lord.
Elisabeth said, "What the Hell do you want?"
Skunk Lord replied, "I would like to do this against you."
 Skunk Lord kicked Elisabeth and she found herself falling backwards in a crumpled heap.  There was the sound of girl footsteps as Skunk Lord hid from sight.
 Elisabeth sat up from a lying down position as the sound of girl footsteps got closer and the sound of male footsteps got further away.
 Brittany Rogers approached Elisabeth Black and sat down next to her friend.
Brittany asked, "Are you ok?"
Elisabeth said, "I'm fine.  I'll survive thanks to you.  Go grab Shallon and Rose.  It will take three girls to track down and kill Skunk Lord before he attacks me again."
Elisabeth said, "You got it.  I'll find Shallon and Rose as quickly as possible."
Brittany asked, "Do you need anything else?"
Elisabeth said, "Please hurry back and prevent Skunk Lord from attacking me a second time.  Girl reinforcements are needed."
Brittany said, "You got it."
Brittany walked off as Ragan Smith approached.
Ragan said, "I heard you got attacked.  Are you ok"
Elisabeth said, "I'll survive.  Go grab Morgan and don't return until you find her.  I need her help in getting rid of Skunk Lord before he attacks me again."
 Ragan said, "I'll hurry as quickly as I can.  You need to stick with the rest of the girls."
Elisabeth said, "I'll be fine as long as Brittany and you return with girl reinforcements."
Ragan ran off leaving Elisabeth unattended.
Brittany ran out of the Dandelion Girls Gymnastics Gymnasium.  Charlie Cheerleader punched her twice before kicking her.  Brittany punched Charlie Cheerleader and he kicked her twice.
 Brittany spun around and noticed that her victimizer vanished.  She looked around her and she didn't find anything.  She walked forward without knowing what will happen next.  Brittany must die before she gathers girl reinforcements to prevent Elisabeth from getting herself murdered.
 Charlie Cheerleader approached Brittany.
Brittany asked, "Where is Shallon and Rose?"
Charlie Cheerleader replied, "Both girls are legally dead."
Brittany replied, "That's a shame."
Charlie Cheerleader said, "It's necessary."
 Brittany said, "I'll return with reinforcements to prevent Elisabeth from getting herself killed.  There is nothing you can do to stop me."
Charlie Cheerleader said, "I can kill you.  That's a good way to stop you."
 Brittany punched Charlie Cheerleader and he kicked her twice before punching her.  He kicked her twice and he punched her.  Brittany punched him and he kicked her twice.
 Brittany tried to punch him and he blocked her blow.  He kicked her twice before punching her.
 He kicked her.  He kicked her twice.
 Brittany looked at her murderer with a blank expression on her face.
 Brittany stopped breathing as she fell face down on top of Shallon's dead body---Breasts on breasts and vagina on vagina.  Brittany tried to stand up only to crash back on top of Shallon's dead body for a second time.
 Charlie Cheerleader checked for a pulse and he found none.  Brittany won't be able to find reinforcements to prevent Elisabeth from getting herself murdered because Brittany is dead.
 Brittany Rogers is no longer alive.  Brittany Rogers is legally dead.  She lay dead on top of Shallon's dead body---Breasts on breasts and vagina on vagina.  Shallon lay dead on top of Rose's dead body---Spine on breasts and rear end on vagina.
Charlie Cheerleader entered the Dandelion Gymnastics Gymnasium.  Charlie Cheerleader stood in the lobby of the building as Ragan Smith also entered the lobby from the opposite direction.  Ragan had no idea that Charlie Cheerleader stood behind her.  Ragan searched in futility for Morgan without realizing that Morgan is legally dead.  Ragan must die before she realizes that Morgan is legally dead and find girl reinforcements to prevent Elisabeth from getting killed.  Elisabeth can't die until Ragan dies and Ragan is about to die right now.
Ragan walked deeper into the lobby portion of the Dandelion Gymnastics Gymnasium as Charlie Cheerleader stood behind her.  Charlie Cheerleader walked closer to the girl with intent to attack and kill her.  Hurry up and kill Ragan while there's still a chance to do so.
Meanwhile, Elisabeth had no idea that Brittany is dead and no longer able to find reinforcements.  Ragan Smith can still find reinforcements.  For that reason alone, Ragan Smith must die so that it will be easier for Elisabeth Black to be attacked and murdered.
Elisabeth heard the sound of male footsteps getting closer as the sound of female footsteps got further and further.  Elisabeth must die before she rejoins the rest of the girls.
Elena Eremina sat down on a chair as she looked directly at Drama King.  And the question ends up becoming will Drama King successfully murder Elena Eremina before Charlie Cheerleader gets to murder first Ragan Smith and then Elisabeth Black?  Elena Eremina is just one girl while Ragan Smith and then Elisabeth Black are two girls.  And it would be easy to assume that it's easier to kill one girl faster than it would take to kill two girls.  However, will Elena Eremina put up a struggle while she's busy getting murdered while Ragan Smith and Elisabeth Black proves to be easy to kill rapidly and without any effort?  Or will Elena Eremina prove to be easy to kill rapidly and without any effort while Ragan Smith and Elisabeth Black put up a struggle while the two girls are busy getting murdered.  Which of the three girls gets to die first, which of the three girls gets to die second and which of the three girls gets to die third.  Survival isn't allowed for any of the three girls.
Elena looked at Drama King with a scowl before she said, "What the Hell are you looking at?"
Drama King said, "I want to see how many times I have to stab you between your breasts before you finally do me a favor and die."
Elena said, "Sorry, but I'm not planning to die anytime soon."
Drama King said, "You don't get to escape justice young lady so you might as well get your death scene murder attack over with."
 Elena looked at Drama King with a scowl.
Drama King said, "I'm waiting for you to attack so I can get the chance to murder you."
Elena said, "Pardon me, but I'm busy resting."
Drama King said, "Attack me now so that I can murder you."
Elena got up before she punched Drama King once and then kicked him twice."
Elena replied, "Just wait a fucking goddamn second you dumbass."
Ragan walked deeper into the lobby portion of the Dandelion Gymnastics Gymnasium as Charlie Cheerleader stood behind her.  Ragan Smith was walking towards Elisabeth Black in hopes of providing reinforcements.  Charlie Cheerleader is forced to murder Ragan Smith before she succeeds in reaching Elisabeth Black.  Ragan Smith is getting closer to her goal.
Charlie Cheerleader approached Ragan and he punched her.  She kicked him twice and he punched her five times before kicking her.  Ragan punched him, he kicked her and she punched him again before he kicked her twice before punching her three times.
 Ragan punched him before she asked, "How can you live with yourself after all the girls you have killed.  Do you have any sense of shame?"
Charlie Cheerleader punched Ragan before he said, "I can live with myself rather nicely thank you."
 Charlie Cheerleader kicked Ragan, she punched him and he kicked her twice, punched her once before kicking her three more times. 
 Ragan tried to punch him and he blocked her blow before kicking her so roughly she vomited blood before he punched her twice. 
Ragan said, "Damn it, I nearly died from that."
Charlie Cheerleader replied, "That's the whole idea young lady.  Perhaps I should try harder to kill you if that didn't end your life."
Ragan said, "You don't need to keep doing this."
Charlie Cheerleader said, "I need to keep doing this."
 Charlie Cheerleader punched her so violently that she vomited blood.  He kicked her so hard that she vomited blood again.  Ragan tried to punch him and he blocked her blow before kicking her.
 Ragan kicked him.
 Ragan punched him twice before he kicked him.  He punched her so hard that she vomited blood.
 He tossed Ragan against the wall and kicked her twice.  She tried to punch him and he blocked her blow before kicking her two more times.
 He kicked her twice.  She tried to punch him and he blocked her blow before kicking her.
 Ragan walked backwards.  Charlie Cheerleader walked forward.
 Ragan tried to escape and he grabbed her before tossing her against the wall and kicking her.
 Ragan fell to the ground like a rag doll before he kicked her crumpled form.
 Ragan tried to stand up and he kicked her causing the girl to double over in pain.

 Ragan fell to the ground.  She tried to stand up, but she felt dizzy and collapsed again.  He kicked her so harshly that she vomited blood.  Ragan collapsed as it got harder for her to breath.  She tried to keep her eyes open because she knew that if she closed her eyes that her eyes won't open ever again.
 Ragan's eyes closed as her breathing got harder to accomplish.  She tried to say something, but there was too blood in her throat.  The girl was dying and she knew it. 
 Ragan stopped breathing as death claimed the nubile sexually seductive girl. 
Ragan Smith is no longer alive.  Ragan Smith is legally dead.
Elena Eremina noticed that Drama King was returning to life once again.  Elena groaned with exasperation as he stood up to face the girl.
Elena cried out, "Oh damn it, what's it's going to take to kill you."
Drama King said, "Deaths for boys are temporary while death for girls are permanent."
Elena replied, "Oh we'll see about that."
Elena punched Drama King and she kicked him.  Drama King tried to punch her and she blocked his blow before she punched him five more times.  Elena smirked as she kicked him twice and punched him before she blocked another attempt to kick her.
 Elena blocked Drama King's punch before she kicked him twice and punched him.
 Charlie Cheerleader snuck behind Elena as she kicked him.
Drama King said as he doubled over in pain, "Look behind you."
Elena said, "That's the oldest trick in the book and I'm not going to fall for it.  Time for you to die.  The only way to save you is to kill me and nobody is able to kill me."
Elena said, "Rejoice and celebrate your death because I shall rejoice and celebrate your death.  Nobody will save you by killing me.  You are a boy in distress.  I shall be the girl who causes your distress.  I shall be the girl who isn't killed by the Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse.  The Dandelion Girls shall thrive without anymore girl fatalities."
 Elena said, "I'm strength and power personified.  I'm feminism given flesh.  Boys will fall before the parasite weed known as women.  It's known that the only genuine gender is boys.  Girls are a parasite weed that will overwhelm the Earth.  There was no such thing as girls bathrooms, girls locker rooms nor gynecology.  Those were weapon storehouses for boy weapons to destroy girls or walls without rooms embedded.  There was no such thing as pregnancy.  Girl births spreads the parasite weed known as girls.  Boy births only bring back dead boys only to be ruined in unproven rape and sexual assault accusations.  The only way to stop the parasite weed known as girls is to wipe out every single girl until the female gender is extinct.  You will never be the boy to wipe out the entire female gender to extinction.  You will fall before girls like the losers that you are."
 Elena said, "I shall delight in your destruction.  You will never delight in my death.  I shall kill you now.  I shall kill you forever."
 Elena said, "I always wanted to be the girl who kills Drama King.  I shall be the girl who kills Drama King.  Kiss me to enjoy the lips of the girl who kills you."
Elena lovingly kissed Drama King before she punched him.
Elena said, "Now that I kissed you, I shall kill you before you have the chance to kill me forever."
 Drama King said, "If you don't believe that Charlie Cheerleader is behind you, then sit down and relax before you kill me once and for all."
Elena said, "Ok, if that's your last request before I kill you, I shall rest and look upon your eyes once more before I kill you."
Elena lovingly kissed Drama King before she sat down to rest.
 Charlie Cheerleader walked behind Elena and he kicked her from behind. 
 Elena lay on her back looking up at the ceiling before rolling face down.  Elena pressed her breasts and her vagina on the ground as she slowly started to die.  Charlie Cheerleader kissed Elena.  Elena watched the two boys kiss.  The second that both Charlie Cheerleader and Drama King felt a masturbation orgasm from the kiss was the second Elena died forever.  Elena died before she could reach a masturbation orgasm.  Elena has been defeated and killed.
Elena Eremina is no longer alive.  Elena is legally dead.
 Elisabeth Black walked towards Ice Skating Lad.  She smiled.  Ice Skating Lad smiled.
Elisabeth said, "Admit it, you find me pretty.  You can't kill a pretty girl like me."
Ice Skating Lad said, "Girls isn't genuine.  Girls isn't real.  There is only one gender the whole entire time and that's the male gender.  Girls is a parasite weed who must be wiped out all the way down to zero.  There can't be a single girl left standing as the entire female gender is driven to extinction."
Elisabeth said, "That may be true, but you still find me pretty."
 Ice Skating Lad said, "As far as evil parasite weeds is concerned, you are pretty.  I know that you must die, but I lack the courage needed to kill you."
Elisabeth said, "Then don't kill me.  Make out with me instead of making out with boys."
 Ice Skating Lad said, "I shall make out with you.  I shall do everything possible to keep you alive.  If the only way to keep you alive is for me to die, then I shall let you kill me."
Elisabeth said, "That's the spirit.  Let the Dandelion Girls prevail against all boys everywhere."
 Elisabeth continued, "Come closer to me.  Make out with me."
Ice Skating Lad said, "I shall come closer to you.  I shall make out with you."
 Elisabeth smiled as Ice Skating Lad walked closer to her.  The girl must die now in order to prevent Elisabeth from killing him.  Time for Elisabeth to die once and for all.
 Elisabeth hugged Ice Skating Lad.  Elisabeth lovingly kissed Ice Skating Lad.  Ice Skating Lad lovingly kissed Elisabeth.  Ice Skating Lad felt weak as Elisabeth lovingly kissed him again.  He knows that she's a parasite weed and that's why she's kissing him to death.  Skunk Lord stabbed Elisabeth in the back from behind.  Elisabeth drooled blood as she was stabbed from behind once again.  Skunk Lord needs to kiss Ice Skating Lad, but Elisabeth is standing in the way.  Skunk Lord resolved that by stabbing her from behind two more times.
 Elisabeth said as she drooled blood, "Oh damn, I've been defeated."
 Elisabeth fell sideways and then rolled face down in a puddle of her blood.  She pressed her breasts and her vagina on the floor as the girl slowly died. 
 Elisabeth sat up.  The only way that Skunk Lord could kiss Ice Skating Lad is to accidently push Elisabeth sideways to the floor.  The only way to kill Elisabeth forever is to push her sideways to the floor.  Skunk Lord accidently pushed Elisabeth sideways to the floor before he lovingly kissed Ice Skating Lad.  Elisabeth winced as it got harder for her to breath.  She tried to stand up, but death was making that impossible.  Time for Elisabeth to die.
 Elisabeth rolled over face down.  Elisabeth pressed her breasts and her vagina to the floor.  Ragan's dead body and Elisabeth's dead body lay side by side.  Elisabeth's left hand held Ragan's right hand as Elisabeth slowly started to die.  Realizing that she's holding a girl's hand and not a boy's hand caused her to die from shock because girls making out with girls instantly causes death.  Boys making out with boys revives and preserves damage and injury.  Ice Skating Lad and Skunk Lord felt a masturbation while fully dressed orgasm while Elisabeth died simultaneously  Elisabeth died before she could reach a masturbation orgasm. 
Elisabeth Black is no longer alive.  Elisabeth Black is legally dead.
Vanessa Ferrari prepared to fight Extreme Universe Edition Skunk Lord to the death.  She was still optimistic that she can kill Drama King, Skunk Lord and Ice Skating Lad as they lay on top of each other before they can have a powerful rush of emotion from the way they were lying down on top of each other.
Let's not forget that Mary Lou Retton hasn't been murdered yet. 
Aliya Mustafina exited the women's locker room and sat down on a folded up gym mat next to where Mary Lou Retton stood.  It would be impossible to murder Mary Lou Retton without first killing Aliya Mustafina.  Aliya was arrogant that she would mever end up getting killed.  The doomed girl foolishly assumed that her attackers would give up trying to murder her.  She guessed wrong as she later discovered.  Her death in a murder attack was sooner than she expected. 
 More sexually seductive girls exited the women's locker room.  More sexually seductive girls needs to die in an unprovoked serial killing murder attack.  Tatiana Nabieva, Ksenia Afanasyeva, Ramilya Musina, Yulia Belokobilskaya, Tatiana Solovyeva, Yulia Inshina, Victoria Komova, Anna Dementyeva and Maria Dunaeva were the doomed newcomer girls who need to die in a serial killing attack as soon as possible.
Ksenia Afanasyeva said, "I expected to enjoy lots of girl to girl bonding.  I wasn't expecting to see most of the girls I would've bonded with lying down on the ground dead."
Tatiana Solovyeva said, "We'll need to avenge the death of the murdered girls."
Anna Dementyeva said, "It would've been safer for us girls to escape justice to live and fight another day while it's still possible for us to do so."
Ksenia Afanasyeva said, "Maybe it's possible for you to do so, but I would rather see those creeps die as punishment for killing those innocent girls."
Ramilya Musina said, "I agree that those jerks need to die.  We should do it as a unified group instead of doing it one by one."
Victoria Komova said, "Girls must only attack one by one.  Guys can attack either one by one or as a single unified group.  When girls die, it's permanent.  When guys dies, it's always temporary.  When it's impossible for a guy to kill a girl, she must tell him the best way to kill her.  When it's impossible for a girl to kill a guy, she must give up fighting and die.  Those are the rules."
Yulia Inshina said, "Just because it's supposed to be the rules doesn't mean that us girls actually have to follow them.  We can always create our own rules instead."
Tatiana Nabieva said, "Yeah, us girls could create our own rules instead.  But such efforts would be useless if us girls ends up getting wiped out one by one before we can force those rules into existence.  Making rules without any way to implement those rules is a wasted effort."
Yulia Belokobilskaya said, "I agree with Ramilya.  We need to attack as a unified group instead of attacking one by one.  Us girls will get to stay alive much longer."
Maria Dunaeva said, "I have a perfect plan that will destroy the Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse forever.  What us girls should so is..."
Maria Dunaeva never got to finish her statement.  Extreme Universe Edition Skunk Lord stabbed the girl between her breasts.  Maria looked at her murderer with a blank expression on her face before she lay down in a puddle of blood that flowed from her body.  Maria Dunaeva is legally dead.
Aliya Mustafina and Viktoria Komova advanced towards Extreme Universe Edition Skunk Lord.  Both girls failed to realize that the only way Victoria will avoid getting murdered would be if Aliya dies instead.  However, the sight of Aliya dying instead of Victoria won't save Victoria from getting murdered, but rather will delay her murder for a few more minutes.  Both doomed girls still advanced towards him in what will be the last minutes of life for the doomed girls.
Aliya said, "Maria's death must be avenged.  We need to kill the creep one and for all."
Victoria said, "Sounds like a great idea.  Do you have a plan."
Aliya said, "Don't get yourself murdered by a serial killer."
Victoria said, "Sounds like a great plan."
Aliya Mustafina grabbed Victoria Komova from behind as the two sexually seductive girls looked at Extreme Universe Edition Skunk Lord as he masturbated on top of the dead body of Maria Dunaeva---chest on spine and groin on rear end.  He continued to wiggle until he creamed into his underwear and starting masturbating a second time when he noticed Aliya Mustafina and Victoria Komova looking at him and realized that they too must die.
Aliya said, "He's having way too much fun masturbating on legally dead woman to properly defend himself against a murderous attack that we're planning against him."
Victoria replied, "That's a good thing.  That way Extreme Universe Edition Skunk Lord won't be able to prevent himself from getting himself killed."
 Aliya said, "Yeah, but girls who don't fight fairly always end up getting themselves murdered."
Victoria replied, "The two of us girls are going to end up getting murdered anyway, so why not.  Let's attack and kill the creep while he's masturbating on a dead girl."
Aliya released her grip on Victoria as the two women walked towards Extreme Universe Edition Skunk Lord who stood up and kicked Victoria and she lay down helplessly.  Extreme Universe Edition Skunk lord kicke Aliya and she fell down helplessly next to the passed out and unconscious form of Victoria.  Aliya Mustafina and Victoria Komova recovered and stood up again.
Victoria Komova advanced against him from the left while Aliya advanced against him from the right.  Victoria took a deep breath as walked behind him with intent to kill him or die in the process.  And she failed to realize that her death in a murder attack will occur sooner than she thinks.
Victoria wasn't sure if she should try to strangle Extreme Universe Edition Skunk Lord or try some other murder attack approach. 
Meanwhile, Ksenia Afanasyeva approached Dandilion Girl #1. 
Dandilion Girl #1 said, "I see an ice cream truck.  I need to get myself some ice cream."
Ksenia Afanasyeva said, "I don't see anybody in the ice cream truck."
Dandilion Girl #1 said, "Don't worry, I'll be fine."
 Ksenia Afanasyeva watched as Dandilion Girl #1 left the Dandilion Women's Gymnasium.
Ksenia Afanasyeva slowly turned away as Dandilion Girl entered the empty ice cream truck. Ice Cream Truck Lad entered the ice cream truck.  He was supposed to place a rag soaked in a sleeping drug over Dandilion Girl #1's mouth.  It turned out to be a rag soaked in fast acting poison.  Dandilion Girl #1 sank to the ground legally dead.  The ice cream truck drove away as Ksenia Afanasyeva approached Victoria Komova.
Ksenia Afanasyeva faced Victoria and said, "Life would be better if Drama King, Skunk Lord and Ice Skating Lad wasn't lying there on top of each other."
Victoria said, "Yeah, but any girl who tried to tempt them away towards a different pursuit always ended up legally dead.  Look at all these dead girls who already failed."
Ksenia Afanasyeva said, "That may be true, but I'll bet you could do better without getting killed in the process.  Let's see what you could do."
Victoria walked towards Extreme Universe Edition Skunk lord with a wide smile on her face.  It was her hope that she could distract Extreme Universe Edition Skunk Lord without getting killed in the process.  It was a plan that was doomed to fail.
Victoria said, "Hey, what's up.  How are you doing."
Distracted by Victoria Komova, Extreme Universe Edition Skunk Lord missed the chance to kill Ksenia Afanasyeva.   Ksenia Afanasyeva smiled with arrogant pride as she walked closer towards Drama King, Skunk Lord and Ice Skating Lad.  Ksenia Afanasyeva was hoping to use her feminine ways to murder Drama King, Skunk Lord and Ice Skating Lad as they lay on top of each other before they can have a powerful rush of emotion from the way they were lying down on top of each other.
Ksenia Afanasyeva paused for a few seconds.  She took a deep breath.  She wasn't even sure what her plan was.  Oh yeah, she needed a plan before making a murder attack attempt.
She took another deep breath and she still didn't have a plan to attack invincible and impossible to kill serial killers as they lay on top of each other.  She only had the motivation to kill before she ends up getting herself killed first instead.
Ksenia Afanasyeva walked closer towards Drama King, Skunk Lord and Ice Skating Lad.  She turned her back on all three of them to look at the leotard clad girls who isn't dead yet and can't die until she is murdered first.  The leotard clad Ksenia Afanasyeva swayed her hips back and forth as she tempted yet another murder attack---This time against her.
Ksenia Afanasyeva sat on the balance beam with the aim to walk across it.  Drama King tried to pull himself up and found himself placing his hand on a leotard clad women's rear end.  Drama King accidently pushed Ksenia Afanasyeva off of the balance beam and onto the floor.
Ksenia Afanasyeva fell off of the balance beam and she crashed to the floor.  She tried to rise to her feet, but it was difficult to move her feet and arms.  She was dying and nothing can save her from death.   Ksenia Afanasyeva was about to be defeated by serial killers.
Ksenia Afanasyeva closed her eyes and she died.  Ksenia Afanasyeva is no longer alive.  Ksenia Afanasyeva is legally dead.
Aliya Mustafina and Victoria Komova hugged each other with excitement. 
Aliya said, "We did it.  We flew under the radar and survived.  Alexandra Raisman and Gabrielle Douglas didn't fly under the radar and now both girls are legally dead.  We did it.  We won the bet."
Victoria said, "But now we can't fly under the radar anymore because too many girls are dead.  Now it's our turn to be attacked and killed."

Aliya Mustafina and Victoria Komova are both cute and sexually adorable.  It will be tough to decide which of the tow girls gets to die first. 
Aliya said, "I'm not expecting anything bad to happen and neither should you."
Victoria replied, "I sure hope you're right."
Extreme Universe Edition Skunk Lord tried to approach Drama King, Skunk Lord and Ice Skating Lad before another leotard clad girl could make an attempt to kill them.  However, Victoria Komova stood in the way with a smile on her face.
Victoria said, "Where are you going?  I want to have a conversation with you.  What should we talk about?  There has to be something for you and I to have a conversation about."
Distracted by Victoria Komova, Extreme Universe Edition Skunk Lord missed the chance to kill Aliya Mustafina and Tatiana Nabieva.  Aliya Mustafina and Tatiana Nabieva smiled with arrogant pride as she walked closer towards Drama King, Skunk Lord and Ice Skating Lad.  Aliya Mustafina and Tatiana Nabieva was hoping to use her feminine ways to murder Drama King, Skunk Lord and Ice Skating Lad as they lay on top of each other before they can have a powerful rush of emotion from the way they were lying down on top of each other.
Drama King noticed Aliya Mustafina and Tatiana Nabieva, but both girls wasn't making it possible for him to kill either of them.  Aliya was smug that she'll never get the chance to die in a murder attack.  Tatiana stuck close to Aliya because she was a good luck charm.
Aliya said, "I'll attack and kill Drama King from the left and you attack and kill Drama King from the right.  The first girl to murder Drama King wins the game."
Tatiana N. said with a smile, "You got it.  I already know that I'll win the game." 
And so Aliya Mustafina attacked from the left and Tatiana Nabieva attacked from the right.  And it became obvious that Aliya Mustafina needs to die first, but she isn't leaving herself open to a successful murder attack---Not yet at any rate.
Extreme Universe Edition Skunk Lord tried to reinforce Drama King against both Aliya Mustafina and Tatiana Nabieva.  However, Victoria Komova kept standing in the way.
Victoria said, "I'm sorry, I didn't realize our conversation has been concluded.  We both still have much to talk about."
Extreme Universe Edition Skunk Lord tried to find a way to murder Victoria, but the girl didn't leave herself open to a murder attack.  She kept standing in the way in a manner that provoked him to make an effort to kill her.
Extreme Universe Edition Skunk Lord faced Victoria and said, "Ok, let's have a conversation.  However, I should warn you that every single girl I tried to have a conversation with always ends up dead."
Victoria said, "Oh yeah, that's what you wish would happen."
 Aliya Mustafina continued to move towards Drama King from the left.  The sexually seductive girl was pushing her luck and she clearly didn't care that she was about to die in a murder attack.
Aliya was confident that she'll be the first girl to attack without dying in the process.  And she smiled as she moved closer towards her murderer.  Of Victoria Komova doesn't die in a murder attack a few seconds from now, Aliya Mustafina almost certainly will die in a murder attack instead.  Both girls are destined to die in the end.
 Drama King walked backwards until he felt a pair of women's breasts pressed against his spine.  Aliya held her breath as her presence was discovered too soon for comfort.  Now her life is in danger of being murdered in a serial killing attack.
 Drama King tripped over his own feet and fell backwards.  Aliya fell backwards face up first with Drama King falling backwards face up on top of her---Breasts on spine and vagina on rear end.  Aliya pushed Drama King off of her as she attempted to stand up. 
 Drama King was about to accidently fall on top of Alya again. 
Aliya said, "Don't do it.  I'll be murdered forever if you do that."
 Drama King accidently fell on top of Aliya face down while Aliya fell under him face up---Breasts on chest and vagina on groin.  The sexually seductive voluptuous teenage girl was dying.
 Aliya squirmed face down while her murderer lay on top of her face down groin on rear end and chest on spine.  She tried to crawl away from him, but he won't have any of that.
 Aliya was turned around until she lay on her back.  He stood up and accidently fell on top of her face down---chest on breasts and groin on vagina.
Aliya Mustafina closed her eyes and she died.  Aliya is no longer alive.  Aliya is legally dead.
Extreme Universe Edition Skunk Lord needed to help Drama King murder Tatiana Nabieva., However, Victoria Komova hasn't been murdered yet and she's still standing in the way.  Victoria smiled with pride as she moved closer towards Extreme Universe Edition Skunk Lord as the girl kept pushing her luck and kept forcing him in a situation in which killing her was the only way out.
Victoria asked, "Where are you going?  We didn't finish our conversation."
Extreme Universe Edition Skunk Lord replied, "Please don't force me to kill you.  You have the chance to escape justice.  Don't force me to murder you instead."
Victoria replied with a smile, "Do you expect me to believe that you'll actually let me escape justice without attempting to murder me?" 
 Tatiana Nabieva was glad that Victoria was able to keep Extreme Universe Edition Skunk Lord busy.  She was also glad that Drama King was so busy making sure that Aliya was legally dead, that he failed to make an effort to murder Tatiana.  Tatiana N. took a deep breath as she stood in position behind Extreme Universe Edition Skunk Lord. 
Tatiana N. took another deep breath as Drama King stood up before he realized that he accidently left the Micro Sized Sexual Orgasm Enhancement Sonic Wave Machine disrupter devide directly under the dead body of Aliya Mustafina as the dead body lay face up.  Tatiana N. saw it too.
   Tatiana N was tempted to grab the Micro Sized Sexual Orgasm Enhancement Sonic Wave Machine disrupter device before Drama King could retrieve it.  However, such a move would leave the doomed voluptuous sexually seductive teenage girl vulnerable to a murder attack.
Drama King reached under Aliya's dead body to retrieve the Micro Sized Sexual Orgasm Enhancement Sonic Wave Machine disrupter device.  Tatiana N.  looked at her murderer with a stern expression on her face.
Tatiana N. said, "Give the Micro Sized Sexual Orgasm Enhancement Sonic Wave Machine Disrupter device to me now."
Drama King replied, "I can't allow you to challenge you like this without punishing you with a murder attack.  Your crimes must be punished now."
Tatiana N.  said, "I won't warn you again."
 Drama King's left arm struck Tatiana Nabieva's vagina and the doomed girl groaned in pain.  She bent over as her life slowly came to an end.  She found herself falling to the floor face down in a crumpled heap as her challenge against Drama King ended with her dying.
Tatiana Nabieva closed her eyes and she died in a submissive pose.  Tatiana Nabieva is legally dead.  Tatiana Nabieva lay legally dead on top of Aliya Mustafina's legally dead body breasts on breasts and vagina on vagina.
Ramilya Musina, Yulia Belokobilskaya, Tatiana Solovyeva, Yulia Inshina, Victoria Komova and Anna Dementyeva stood nearby Mary Lou Retton and Vanessa Ferrari.  Victoria Komova continued to distract Extreme Universe Edition Skunk Lord.  The pretty sexually seductive girl's chances to escape justice to live and fight another day got more remote as she continued to challenge Extreme Universe Edition Skunk Lord to such an extreme that he'll be forced to murder her.  Victoria lay on to of Tatiana and Aliya and kissed the left cheek for both dead girls before standing up again.  Victoria kissed the left cheek of Drama King in a manner that made him want to violently kill her.  
Victoria said, "So what were your plans for the future if you no longer have a need to murder sexually seductive girls like me?"
Extreme Universe Edition Skunk Lord replied, "I'll find out for the first time ever the second I succeed in wiping out the Dandilion Girls one by one all the way down to zero."
Victoria replied, "You can find out without needing to murder me in a serial killing attack." 
Ramilya Musina stood behind Drama King and prevented him from attacking Victoria with intent to murder.  Ramilya smiled as she stood between Victoria and Drama King with a smile on her face. 
Ramilya faced Drama King and asked, "Hey buddy, what are you doing?  You better not be attempting to murder me friend Victoria."
Drama King replied, "I'm not trying to murder any females, but they end up getting themselves killed anyway.  I may be forced to kill you too."
Ramilya replied, "You better not be thinking about that or else I'm going to mess you up."
 Extreme Universe Edition Skunk Lord tried to make a murder attack against Ramilya Musina, but Victoria stood in the way. 
Victoria replied, "Pardon me buddy, but we're still having a conversation."
Extreme Universe Edition Skunk Lord replied, "We won't be talking to each other much longer if you keep forcing me to murder you."
Victoria replied, "Empty promises is nothing without a dead girl to prove your intent."
Ramilya Musina grabbed Drama King by his right arm and he kicked her in the stomach.  Ramilya doubled over in pain before he punshed her twice in the stomach. 
Ramilya replied, "What the fuck are you doing?"
Drama King replied, "I'm attempting to murder you young lady."
 Ramilya tried to back away with tears running down her face and he punched her in the stomach twice before he kicked her five times.  She doubled over in pain a second time before she fell to the ground in a crumpled heap.  He picked up the dying girl and punched her in the stomach five more time and that was enough to end the girls life forever.  He dropped the dying girl in a crumpled heap.
Ramilya Musina closed her eyes and she died in a state of extreme misery.  Ramilya is legally dead.
Yulia Belokobilskaya, Tatiana Solovyeva, Yulia Inshina, Victoria Komova and Anna Dementyeva stood nearby Mary Lou Retton and Vanessa Ferrari.  Victoria Komova continued to distract Extreme Universe Edition Skunk Lord.  The pretty sexually seductive girl's chances to escape justice to live and fight another day got more remote as she continued to challenge Extreme Universe Edition Skunk Lord to such an extreme that he'll be forced to murder her.  Now that Ramilya Musina is legally dead, there is nothing to prevent Drama King from killing Victoria Komova as she stood in the way of Extreme Universe Edition Skunk Lord's free movement by having a conversation with him.
Victoria asked, "So how did you end up becoming a girl hating serial killer.  Did you wake up in the morning one day and chose to hate girls or was it a progressive transformation."
Extreme Universe Edition Skunk Lord replied, "I don't need to justify myself to you."
Victoria replied, "You will need to justify yourself to me as long as I'm alive."
Anastasia Grishina, Yulia Chemareva, Anastasia Sidorova, Anna Radionova, Kristina Sidorova and Evgeniya Shelgunova entered the Dandilion Gymnasium along with...
 ...Yulia Tipaeva, Maria Kharenkova and Evgenia Shelgunova.  Will Victoria Komova survive the killing spree long enough to see all nine girls murdered one by one?
 Anna Dementyeva walked towards Drama King with confidence.  She prevented Dram King from attacking and killing Victoria.  She too must die sooner than expected.  Anna is a pretty girl and she'll make a prettier dead body.
 Not to be outdone by a cooler than normal death scene, Yulia Belokobilskaya also moved towards Drama King.  Yulia unknowingly was wishing to die before Anna.  However, Anna could easily end up legally dead before Yulia.  Yulia was hoping that she won't end up dead, but we all know what an act of futility that will end up becoming. 
Anna said, "We can either attack Drama King together or we can take turns."
Yulia replied, "It might be easier if we try to attack and kill him together."
Anna replied, "Did you hear that Drama King, you are finished."
Yulia looked behind her as Skunk Lord was starting to stand up.  Yulia secretly wished that Skunk Lord would murder her before she gets the chance to save Anna from getting herself murdered.  However, part of her was horrified by such a thought.  Whatever the case may be, Yulia kept her feelings to herself as her unavoidable death got closer and closer.
Anna attacked Drama King from behind.  Her voluptuous breasts were pressed against Drama King's spine as she strangled him with her left arm from behind.  Anna was determined to kill her murderer before he succeeds in killing the doomed teenage girl.
 Skunk Lord kicked Anna from behind and she staggered a bit.  However, she refused to release her strangulation grip.  The sexually seductive girl was pushing her luck to such an extent that killing her was the only way out.  Skunk Lord kicked Anna from behind a second time, but she refused to release her strangulation grip.  The seductive teenage girl needs to die now because Drama King is very close to dying from her strangulation grip.
 Yulia punched Skunk Lord and he fell.  Yulia smiled as she prevented Skunk Lord from killing Anna in a serial killing attack.  Yulia kicked Skunk Lord to the ground as he tried to stand up again.
Yulia asked, "Are you feeling alright Anna?"
Anna replied, "I'm feeling great.  Thanks for the assistance."
Yulia replied, "Hey, what are friends for?"
 Drama King tried to squirm from Anna's strangulation grip.  Anna smiled as victory was nearly hers to claim.  Drama King flung himself backwards against a wall with Anna still pressed behind him in a strangulation attack with her left arm from behind---Breasts on spine and vagina on rear end.  Anna winced as she nearly died from the blow.
 Drama King flung himself backwards against the wall and Anna was nearly killed from the blow.  It was getting harder for the doomed teenage girl to strangle her victimizer from behind with her left arm.  Drama King flung himself backwards three more times and the girl started dying.
 Yulia kicked Skunk Lord as he tried to stand up.  Skunk Lord grabbed the foot that Yulia kicked him with and he caused her to fall to the ground in a crumpled heap.  Yulia stood up only to be punched and then kicked to the ground.  The tables has been turned.  Now it's Yulia's turn to be struck by lethal blows that are impossible to survive.
 Drama King flung himself backwards and Anna released her strangulation grip.  Drama King punched her five times and the girl found herself sobbing as she slipped to the floor.  Drama King picked Anna up and he punched her in the stomach before dropping her again.
 Skunk Lord kicked Yulia in the stomach as she tried to stand up.
 Yulia fell to her knees as her life slowly slipped away.
  Anna Dementyeva tried to stand up before being picked up and punched in the stomach five times.  Anna winced in pain before she lay down on the floor and died.  Anna Dementyeva is legally dead.
 Yulia Belokobilskaya fell face first to the ground after receiving seven kicks to the stomach.  The dying sexually seductive girl closed her eyes and died.  Yulia Belokobilskaya is legally dead.
Tatiana Solovyeva, Yulia Inshina and Victoria Komova stood nearby Mary Lou Retton and Vanessa Ferrari.  Victoria Komova continued to distract Extreme Universe Edition Skunk Lord.  The pretty sexually seductive girl's chances to escape justice to live and fight another day got more remote as she continued to challenge Extreme Universe Edition Skunk Lord to such an extreme that he'll be forced to murder her.  Even if Victoria outlives Tatiana S. and Yulia I., Victoria must also try to outlive   Anastasia Grishina, Yuliya Chemareva, Anastasia Sidorova, Anna Radionova, Kristina Sidorova, Evgeniya Shelgunova,  Yulia Tipaeva, Evgenia Shelgunova and Maria Kharenkova.
Extreme Universe Edition Skunk Lord asked, "All we need to do is to kill Tatiana S. and Yulia I and then you too will get the chance to die.  Anastasia Grishina, Yuliya Chemareva, Anastasia Sidorova, Anna Radionova, Kristina Sidorova, Evgeniya Shelgunova,  Yulia Tipaeva and Maria Kharenkova without first killing you."
Victoria replied, "Do you realize how sexist you sound.  It would be great to finally end your life."
Victoria was overwhelmed with doom when she secretly knew how futile it was to hope that she won't get murdered in a serial killing attack. 
 Extreme Universe Edition Skunk Lord pulled out a kitchen knife. 
Tatiana Solovyeva cried out, "Watch out Victoria, he's about to murder you."
Tatiana Solovyeva raced in front of Victoria and she was stabbed between her breasts instead.  Tatiana S. watched her blood drip out of her knife wound and onto the floor before she lay down dead in a puddle of her blood.  The dying girl started to cry as she started to feel shame for the crime of being born female.  Her life was over and her dreams are dead.  Tatiana Solovyeva is legally dead.
Yulia Inshina said, "Well Victoria, it's just the two of us.  One wrong move and you'll end up dead.  You might be lucky if I die before you, but all bets are off."
 Victoria replied, "Nobody killed me yet and I doubt that anybody will have the courage to kill me anytime soon.  So I guess Yulia Inshina gets to die next."
Skunk Lord stabbed Victoria from behind.  Drama King stabbed Victoria from behind.  Ice Skating Lad stabbed Victoria from behind.  Extreme Universe Edition Skunk Lord stabbed Victoria from behind.  Victoria Komova looked at her attackers with a shocked expression on her face.
Victoria said, "Dear Goddess, you actually murdered me.  Why have you done that.  What have I done to make you so angry that you need to kill me."
Extreme Universe Edition Skunk Lord replied, "I killed you because I felt like it."
Victoria Komova lay down on the ground and she died.  Victoria Komova is legally dead end.  Victoria Komova lay legally dead on top of Tatiana Nabieva's legally dead body breasts on spine and vagina on rear end.  Tatiana Nabieva lay legally dead on top of Aliya Mustafina's legally dead body breasts on breasts and vagina on vagina.  
Yulia Inshina looked at Skunk Lord, Extreme Universe Edition Skunk Lord, Drama King and Ice Skating Lad.  The doomed girl walked backwards as her doom got closer and closer.
Yulia Inshina said, "Hey come on, I'm sure we all can reach an agreement."
Skunk Lord replied, "Yeah, I'm sure we can reach an agreement.  We kill you and you die.  That would be a great agreement to make."
 Skunk Lord stabbed Yulia Inshina between her breasts.  The dying girl was stunned as her life was violently ended in a serial killing murder attack.  She struggled to stay alive, but a second knife attack between her breasts ended her doomed efforts.  Yulia Inshina fell face first in a puddle of her blood.
Yulia refused to believe that it was over for her.  She struggled to her feet.  Her refusal to die was rewarded by the opportunity to be stabbed between her breasts five more times.  With the pain of dying even more intense, she helplessly saw more blood flow out of her as her body crashed to the floor against her wishes.  She willed herself to stand up, but her body refused to obey.  Tears ran down her face when the end came sooner than she would've wished it to, 
 Yulia found herself lying down on the ground.  She tried to move one of her arms, but her dying body refused to go along with it.  And as her body slowly went numb and her vision slowly went dark, blood continued to flow from her knife wounds in an uncontrollable river of blood. 
Yulia Inshina is no longer alive.  Yulia Inshina is legally dead.
Time for Anastasia Grishina, Yuliya Chemareva, Anastasia Sidorova, Anna Radionova, Kristina Sidorova, Evgeniya Shelgunova,  Yulia Tipaeva and Maria Kharenkova to die in a serial killing attack.
Anastasia Grishina was the first of the nine girls to be attacked and killed.  The doomed girls looked at her victimizing murderers with a stern expression.
Anatasia said, "I guess this isn't a good time for my girlfriends and I to practice gymnastics."
Skunk Lord replied, "That would be a very safe assumption.'
Mary Lou Retton cried out, "Watch out Anatasia, he's about to murder you."
Mary Lou Retton stood between Skunk Lord and Anatasia.  Skunk Lord found himself plunging his knife between Mary Lou's breasts.  Mary Lou looked at her murderer with a wounded expression on her face.  Her lips tried to form the sentence, "Why did you do this to me.", but no sound came from her mouth.  Her lipstick sparkled as blood started dripping from her mouth as she was stabbed between her breasts five more times. 
Mary Lou fell to her knees and she struggled back to her feet.  Big mistake.  She was stabbed between her breasts by Ice Skating Lad and she found it harder to stay alive as death overwhelmed the sexually desirable teenage girl.
Mary Lou struggled to remain standing, but she found herself dropping to her knees.  She found herself falling face first to the floor against her wishes.  She struggled to breath until the task became much to impossible to continue.  Mary Lou Retton closed her eyes and she died.  Mary Lou is legally dead.  And now there is nobody left to prevent Skunk Lord from killing Anastasia Grishina.
It took a while, but now comes the time to murder Vanessa once and for all.  Vanessa Ferrari was seated when she realized that it was her turn to attack and die trying to kill.  She released a groan as she struggled to her feet.
 And with a smile, Vanessa walked forward.
Vanessa said, "You're not allowed to murder Anatasia Grishina without first killing me."
Ice Skating Lad said, "Please don't force me to murder you."
 Vanessa kicked Ice Skating Lad to the ground with a proud expression on her face.  Ice Skating Lad tried to stand up, only to be kicked back down by Vanessa. 
Vanessa said, "You're not so tough anymore.  Are you?"
 Skunk Lord stabbed Vanessa from behind.  Vanessa gasped in pain as she was stabbed from behind seven more times.  Shocked before driven to misery by her failure, Vanessa started to stumble when she realized the extent of her failures.
 Vanessa tried to attack Skunk Lord, but she found herself falling face down on top of Ice Skating Lad as he lay down face down---Breasts on spine and vagina on rear end.  Vanessa was stabbed from behind by Skunk Lord as her life slowly slipped away in a puddle of blood dripping from her wounds by a knife attack she could never hope to survive.

Vanessa Ferrari slid off Ice Skating Lad, rolled on top of Mary Lou's dead body---spine on spine and rear end on rear end before she closed her eyes in defeat.  Vanessa is no longer alive.   Vanessa Ferrari is legally dead.
Anastasia Grishina looked at Skunk Lord.  She said, "Both Mary Lou and Vanessa tried to save me from being killed and died making the effort.  Those two Dandilion Girls would've died for nothing if you succeed in killing me now."
 Skunk Lord replied, "Ice Skating Lad is still wounded by Vanessa Ferrari's attack.  You fall on him while dying breasts on spine and vagina on rear end for ten minutes, your last dying breath will succeed in killing him.  Mary Lou and Vanessa died for nothing, but your death would succeed in ending the life of a girl murdering serial killer."
Anatasia asked, "Why would I agree to do something like that?"
 Skunk Lord asked, "What's your alternative agenda for us both?"
Anatasia replied, "I'll attack you and you'll die."
 Skunk Lord replied, "There's no way that you would die and stay dead if you succeed in killing me."
Anatasia replied, "That's the whole idea you moron."
 Skunk Lord said, "I'll tell you what.  You perform a stunt on the balance beam and I try to repeat it.  If I do better than you, then you do it my way.  If you do it better than me, then I do it your way and we keep repeating until I do it better and then you must do it my way."
Anatasia replied, "I'd rather murder you, but we'll do it that way."
 Anatasia jumped on the balance beam.  Skunk Lord tripped over his feet and fell.
 Anatasia did a jump on the balance beam.
 She didn't fall off and completed the leap.
 Anatasia pointed her feet upwards in the air as she stood on her hands.  Skunk Lord tried to pull himself up.  His left hand rested on a leotard clad woman's rear end.  Skunk Lord accidently pushed Anastasia Grishina off of the balance beam and she fell face first on top of Ice Skating Lad as he lay on the ground face down---Breasts on spine and vagina on rear end.  She lay on Ice Skating Lad only five minutes out of ten before she rolled off nearby the dead body of Vanessa Ferrari.
Anastasia Grishina is no longer alive.  Anastasia Grishina is legally dead.
Time for Yulia Chemareva to die in a serial killing attack.
Yulia took a deep breath as Skunk Lord walked towards her.  She knew what that meant.  It meant that Yulia is about to be murdered in a serial killing attack she'll never survive.
Yulia said, "I know that you have this weird fixation on killing off us girls, but it would be much better for everybody if you allowed me to escape justice to live and fight another day."
Skunk Lord asked, "Now why would I do a thing like that for?"
 Yulia said, "You will do it because you feel the need to impress me.  The need to impress me is much greater than the need to impress your allies in the Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse."
Yulia punched Skunk Lord and he fell on top of Ice Skating Lad groin on rear end and chest on spine.  Yulia looked at what she done with grim satisfaction.
 Yulia jumped on the balance beam.  She strove to walk across it without getting killed.  She wanted to be the first Dandilion Girl to do so.
 Yulia reached the spot where Skunk Lord lay on top of Ice Skating Lad groin on rear end and chest on spine.  And against her better judgement, bent over while still on the balance beam to gloat.  Skunk Lord tried to pull himself up, but felt a leotard clad woman's rear end in the process.  He ended up pushing Yulia off the balance beam and on top of both Ice Skating Lad and himself.  Yulia released a groan of defeat as she rolled off her victimizers legally dead. 
Yulia Chemareva is no longer alive.  Yulia is legally dead.
Time for Anastasia Sidorova to die.
Anatasia was seated watching her girlfriends die one by one.  She had no idea that her turn to die has already arrived.  Skunk Lord was crawling, Ice Skating Lad was lying down face down and Anatasia was seated.  All she needed to do was lie down face up and Skunk Lord won't be able to lie down on Ice Skating Lad anymore.  And that's why the way she was seated, innocent as it may seem, made it necessary for the girl to die.
 Anatasia stretched as she sat.  She wasn't planning to lie down face up, but the way she sat was tempting in that direction anyway.
 Drama King approached Anastasia Sidorova and said, "I need to say something to you."
Anatasia groaned as she stood up.  Skunk Lord could no longer crawl towards her.
 Anatasia still thought about sitting down.  Her evil scheme to sit down and tempt Skunk Lord to force her to lie down so he could lie on top of her instead of lying down on Ice Skating Lad still needs to be defeated.
 Drama King faced Anastasia Sidorova and said, "I really need to talk to you."
Anatasia replied, "Hold on a second, I'm getting there."
 Anatasia walked towards Drama King.
 Anatasia took a deep breath as the doomed girl walked closer to Drama King.
 Drama King accidently flung his left arm against Anastasia Sidorova's vagina.  The girl winced in pain at the blow.
 Skunk Lord looked at Anastasia Sidorova as she slowly started to crumble.
 Skunk Lord watched from behind as Anastasia Sidorova was slowly starting to die from the blow.
 Anastasia Sidorova can't tempt Skunk Lord to force her to lie down face up so he could lie on top of her face down.  Even if that wasn't her reason for sitting down, she can't think about doing it anymore.  Anatasia fell face first to the floor as she started dying.
Anastasia Sidorova is no longer alive.  Anatasia is legally dead.
Anna Rodionova looked behind her as three more leotard clad girls entered the gymnastics gym.  Anna stood next to the newly arrived Ekaterina Kramarenko, Alla Sosnitskaya and Larisa Iordache.
Ekaterina asked, "What the fuck is going on here."
Anna said, "The Dandilion Girls are being driven to extinction by a serial killing attack."
Alla replied, "We need to do something about it."
Larisa replied, "We need to escape justice before we end up getting killed off too." 
Alla approached Skunk Lord as he continued to crawl.
Alla said, "This Girl Killing, Woman Hating Posse member looks like he's pretty much legally dead."
 Alla walked closer to Skunk Lord as he continued to crawl towards her instead of crawling towards Ice Skating Lad.  Alla was about to sit down so that Skunk Lord could force her to lie down and then crawl on top of her.  Something needs to be done about that."
 Drama King grabbed Alla's left arm as his right arm accidently reached between her legs and then rested on her vagina.  This caused Alla to fall backwards with a thud.  Alla tried to stand up, but her dizziness became too much for her.  Alla realized that she was dying.  She tried to stand up again, but death was much too strong for her.
Alla Sosnitskaya closed her eyes and she legally died. 
Anna Rodionova watched as Alla died.  She walked backwards as Drama King walked forward.  Skunk Lord continued to crawl behind Anna. 
 Anna punched Drama King and he bent over in pain.  Anna smiled with pride.
 Anna said with smug pride, "You're not so tough anymore."
Anna Rodionova walked backwards and she tripped backwards over Skunk Lord as he continued to crawl.  Anna winced in pain as she slowly started to die.  She tried to stand up, but darkness overtook her vision as death's ice grip refused to let go.
Anna Rodionova is no longer alive.  Anna is legally dead.
Ekaterina Kramarenko looked as if she was about to sit down, allow Skunk Lord to force her to lie down face up and crawl on her instead of crawling on Ice Skating Lad.  Even if that wasn't her intent, the Dandilion Girl still needs to die.  She faced her murderer and asked, "Hey, what are you doing?"
 Drama King replied, "I'm sorry, but I'm running out of time.  Your death must take place this second, but I can't think of a way to kill you."
Ekaterina replied, "You don't need to kill me at all."

 Ekaterina Kramarenko punched Drama King and he fell directly on top of her.  She lay face up as Drama King lay on top of her.  His left arm rested on her throat by accident as her life slipped away before she could tempt Drama King to lie down on top of her further.
 Ekaterina Kramarenko found it harder to stay alive as Drama King's left arm continued to rest on her throat and choke the air out of her lungs.  There was nothing left for the doomed girl to do except to die lying down in defeat.  When it looked as if Ekaterina might return to life, Drama King realized that girls making out with girls instantly causes death.  Drama King dragged Ekaterina's dead body and lay it face down on top of the dead body of Elena Eremina.  Ekaterina lay dead on top of Elena's dead body---Breasts on spine and vagina on rear end. 
Ekaterina Kramarenko is no longer alive.  Ekaterina is legally dead.
Larisa Iordache entered the women's gym with three of her girlfriends and now two of them are legally dead.  Larisa was starting to get worried.  She wasn't expecting death to claim her this quickly after she succeeded in staying alive this long.  However, there is a danger that she'll sit down, Skunk Lord will force her to lie down and then he'll lie down on top of her instead of lying down on Ice Skating Lad.  That can't be allowed.
Larisa said, "I don't know what your problem is and I don't care.  You need to be stopped."
 Drama King asked, "How do you expect to stop me when your friends already tried and failed."
It was around that time that Larisa thought about escaping justice to live and fight another day.  She found herself saying, "I'll find a way to kill you somehow."
 Larisa didn't see Skunk Lord crawling behind her.  Drama King accidently rested his left hand on her vagina and accidently pushed her towards a still crawling Skunk Lord.  Larisa tripped over Skunk Lord and she found herself falling backwards to the floor in a crumpled heap. 
 Larisa found herself getting both dizzy and wobbly as she attempted to stand up again.  Skunk Lord was crawling closer towards her.  Drama King kicked her five times and she doubled over in pain.
 Larisa struggled to remain alive, but such a task got harder and harder.  She gave up trying to stand up after lying down on the floor face up.  Larisa slowly started to die on top of Ekaterina Kramarenko's dead body---breasts on breasts and vagina on vagina.  Larisa didn't have to strength to stand up anymore as death claimed the girl.  Larisa knew the end has arrived when she started dying.
Larisa Iordache is no longer alive.  Larisa is legally dead.
Time for Kristina Sidorova to die.
There are only four leotard clad girls left to murder and Kristina Sidorova was the first of the four to lose her life in a murder attack.  Skunk Lord crawled on top of Ice Skating Lad groin on rear end and chest on spine before passing out.  Kristina looked at Drama King with a puzzled expression on her face.  The doomed girl actually thought she was going to survive.
Kristina said, "You do realize that there is no reason for you to murder so much girls.  What you're doing is sick.  You need help before it's too late."
Drama King replied, "It's already too late."
Kristina said, "You will never get the chance to murder me before I escape justice a second time."
Drama King said, "Even if that were the case, I must make the effort anyway."
 Drama King kicked Kristina from behind.  The girl winced in pain as the blow nearly slammed the life out of her.  She staggered with the knowledge that one more blow of a similar nature would take her life once and for all.
Drama King kicked Kristina from behind a second time.  Tears flowed from Kristina's eyes as she found herself falling to the ground.  She tried to stand up, but she wasn't able to get her body to cooperate.  She felt trapped in a dying body as she felt shame, humiliation and misery.
Kristina willed herself to stand up and she was rewarded by being kicked from behind a third and final time.  She fell to the ground a second time.  She grabbed on to Drama King in hopes of pulling herself back up.  She instead pulled Drama King on top of Skunk Lord groin on rear end and chest on spine as Skunk Lord lay on top of Ice Skating Lad groin on rear end and chest on spine.
Kristina fell to the floor a third and final time.  She tried to move her arms, but her arms stopped moving.  The world got dark as death claimed the dying girl.
 Kristina Sidorova is no longer alive.  Kristina is legally dead.
Yulia Tipaeva looked at Extreme Universe Edition Skunk Lord with panic and shock.  She said, "Please don't hurt me.  I'm sorry.  Please except my apology.  Whatever made you feel murderous, please forgive me."
Extreme Universe Edition Skunk Lord replied, "It's too late.  You should've thought of it before you forced me to murder you."
Extreme Universe Edition Skunk Lord stabbed Yulia in the upper chest region.  Yulia winced in pain as her blood dripped out of the knife wound into a puddle of her blood on the floor.  She tried to speak, but no words came out.  She tried to move forward, but she found herself falling face first to the floor in a puddle of her own blood instead.  Tears fell from her eyes and she started to cry in painful misery as her eyes started to close.  Yulia felt intense pain and grief as she finally was punished for all the evil crimes she ever committed.  It was over.  Yulia will soon be dead.
Yulia Tipaeva is no longer alive.  Yulia is legally dead.
Maria Kharenkova realized that she's the next to die.  She walked backwards as Extreme Universe Edition Skunk Lord walked closer towards the doomed girl.
Maria said, "Hello buddy, you were never planning to murder me.  Right?"
Extreme Universe Edition Skunk Lord replied, "Every single girl in the Dandilion Girls needs to die.  You're a girl and you belong to the Dandilion Girls.  Therefore, you must die now."
Maria replied, "It would be easier if you let me go and tell your friends that you killed me."
Extreme Universe Edition Skunk Lord replied, "We both know that will never work."
Extreme Universe Edition Skunk Lord stabbed Maria in her upper chest region.  Maria staggered as she was stabbed in her upper chest region five more times.
Extreme Universe Edition Skunk Lord kicked Maria from behind.  The girl staggered from the life ending blow before she crashed to the floor.
Maria tried to stand up, but she only succeeded in rolling from lying down face up to lying down face down.  Maria tried to breath, but the effort became more and more impossible.  The dying girl finally gave up as death claimed her once and for all.
Maria Kharenkova is no longer alive.  Maria is legally dead.
Evgenia Shelgunova looked around her and saw Dandilion Girls she was supposed to practice gymnastics with lying down on the floor legally dead.  Evgenia started to walk backwards when she realized that she's the next to die and she ran out of girls to die instead of her.
Evgenia said, "Come on buddy, surely we can reach an agreement."
Extreme Universe Edition Skunk Lord replied, "There are two forms of agreement we can make.  Option one:  You can either lie down dead on top of Drama King, Skunk Lord and Ice Skating Lad and I'll lie down in a crumpled heap nearby.  Option two:  I will lie down on top of Drama King, Skunk Lord and Ice Skating Lad and you will lie down dead in a crumpled heap nearby."
Evgenia said, "That isn't an agreement I had in mind."
Extreme Universe Edition Skunk Lord said, "It's the only agreement you will ever get."
Evgenia replied, "Then I better defend myself by killing you before you succeed in killing me.  Sorry it had to end this way."
Extreme Universe Edition Skunk Lord stabbed Evgenia between her breasts and the dying girl started to stagger.  Extreme Universe Edition Skunk Lord turned his back to her and she attempted to strangle him from behind.  Instead, she pushed Extreme Universe Edition Skunk Lord until he lay on top of Drama King groin on rear end and chest on spine as Drama King lay on top of Skunk Lord groin on rear end and chest on spine as he lay on Ice Skating Lad groin on rear end and chest on spine.  Evgenia fell to the floor and she slowly tried to crawl to her feet.
Evgenia lost too much blood from the knife wound.  She crumpled in a submissive pose to die when too much of her blood dripped out of the knife wound into a puddle of blood nearby.  She tried to keep her eyes open, but death forced her eyes shut as the end came sooner than she would've preferred.  Extreme Universe Edition Skunk Lord, Drama King, Skunk Lord and Ice Skating Lad felt an extreme burst of emotion followed by an orgasm as Evgenia died simultaneously.
 Evgenia Shelgunova is no longer alive.  Evgenia is legally dead.
The Hidden Utility Closet swung open when the last remaining survivor, Evgenia Shelgunova was murdered in an unprovoked act of murder one.  Shit For Brains was free to leave the Hidden Utility Closet when all of the Dandelion Girls who held him in captivity was wiped out all the way down to zero.  Dressed in skin tight leotards, Dandelion Girl #2, Dandelion Girl #3, Dandelion Girl #4, Dandelion Girl #5, Dandelion Girl #6 and Dandelion Girl #7 grabbed Shit For Brains Lad.  Shit For Brains Lad punched Dandelion Girl #7 and she lay down legally dead.  Dressed in skin tight leotards, Dandelion Girl #2, Dandelion Girl #3, Dandelion Girl #4, Dandelion Girl #5 and Dandelion Girl #6 dragged Shit For Brains Lad towards Extreme Universe Edition Skunk Lord.    
Dandelion Girl #2 said, "Tell us girls the best way to wipe all four of you out or else this creep dies."
Shit For Brains Lad punched Dandelion Girl #2 and she lay down legally dead.  Shit For Brains Lad punched Dandelion Girl #3 as she stood to the left of him and he punched Dandelion Girl #4 as she stood to the right of him.  Dandelion Girl #3 and Dandelion Girl #4 lay down legally dead as he kicked Dandelion Girl #5 causing her to lie down legally dead.
Dandelion Girl #6 said, "Forget this bullshit.  You can keep this building.  I'm getting out of here."
Drama King said, "Somebody kill that girl before she escapes."
Shit For Brains Lad said, "I'm trying, but she's not leaving me much of an opening to kill her with."
Dandelion Girl #6 pushed Shit For Brains Lad and he fell on top of Extreme Universe Edition Skunk Lord groin on rear end and chest on spine as Extreme Universe Edition Skunk Lord lay on top of Drama King groin on rear end and chest on spine as Drama King lay on top of Skunk Lord groin on rear end and chest on spine as he lay on Ice Skating Lad groin on rear end and chest on spine.  Dandelion Girl #6 was so intent on running for her life, that she wasn't looking where she was running.  Dandelion Girl #6 tripped on the dead body of Evgenia Shelgunova and she fell face first to the floor and lay down on top of Evgenia Shelgunova breasts on spine and vagina on rear end.  Dandelion Girl #6 pressed her breasts on Evgenia's spine and her vagina on Evgenia's rear end in her failed attempt to stand up.  Dandelion Girl #6 legally died instead.  Shit For Brains Lad,  Extreme Universe Edition Skunk Lord, Drama King, Skunk Lord and Ice Skating Lad felt an extreme burst of emotion followed by an orgasm as Dandelion Girl #6 legally died simultaneously.
Sophie Scheder looked at Andreea Iridon with concern.
Sophie said, "Well, we succeeded in escaping, but I see no activity in the Dandelion Gymnastics Gymnasium.  I'm starting to see Charlie Cheerleader start to enter the Dandelion Gymnastics Gymnasium.  The two of us girls can't allow that to happen."
 Sophie said, "I know that escaping justice only to return to the same exact building the two of us girls succeeded in escaping from wasn't smart.  But Charlie Cheerleader must be stopped."
Andreea said, "I have a bad feeling about this.  The two of us girls are only inches away from the getaway car.  We should use the getaway car while we still can."
 Andreea said, "If you feel that we should return to the building that we successfully escaped from, I'll help you out.  What do you need me to do?"
Sophie said, "I need you to stand guard while I try to kill Charlie Cheerleader.  When I kill the boys, switch on the teleportation device.  The teleportation device causes the recently deceased to be teleported on top of the same gender sexual opportunity that instantly causes permanent death."
 Sophie said, "You are to tell me the second that Charlie Cheerleader is about to kill me by surprise.  The only way Charlie Cheerleader can stop you from doing so is to kill you."
Andreea said, "I'm not going to get myself killed anytime soon."
 Andreea said, "We should've entered the getaway car while we can.  I only hope that returning to the building we just escaped from didn't turn out to be our biggest mistake that will lead to both of our deaths starting with me getting killed."
Sophie said, "Don't worry Andreea, I'm never wrong about anything."
 Sophie Scheder and Andreea Iridon walked back towards the Dandelion Gymnastics Gymnasium.  Andreea Iridon stood guard while Sophie Scheder reentered the Dandelion Gymnastics Gymnasium.  Charlie Cheerleader must murder Sophie Scheder while it's still possible to do so, but he can't do so without first killing Andreea Iridon.  Time for Andreea Iridon to die needlessly and violently.
 Andreea didn't see Charlie Cheerleader as he snuck up behind her.  He stabbed Andreea with a very sharp knife while her back was turned towards him.  Andreea started to drool blood as he stabbed her from behind five more times.
 Andreea tried to escape, but it was too late.  Charlie Cheerleader stabbed her from behind five more times.  Andreea sunk to the ground before she lay down without moving.
 Andreea tried to speak, but she lost too much blood.  The dying girl closed her eyes and she stopped breathing as death claimed her.
 Andreea Iridon is no longer alive.  Andreea is legally dead.
Now Charlie Cheerleader can enter the Dandelion Gymnastics Gymnasium and murder Sophie Scheder.  Charlie Cheerleader followed Sophie with intent to kill the girl.
 Sophie spun around and she punched Charlie.  She kicked him before she punched him twice.
 Sophie punched him twice.  Charlie Cheerleader tried to kick her and she blocked the blow before she punched him twice, kicked him, blocked his punch before she punched him five times.
 Sophie blocked his punch, kicked him twice, blocked his punch, punched him, blocked his kick and punched him before she kicked him.
 Sophie punched him twice, kicked him and she punched him five times before kicking him.  She blocked his punch before she kicked him.
 Sophie punched him.  She kicked him.  She blocked his punch before she punched him twice.
 Sophie blocked his punch before she punched him, kicked him, punched him, kicked him and punched him twice.  She smiled as she punched him before blocking his attempt to kick her.
 She blocked his punch before she kicked him.
 Sophie blocked his punch before she punched him.
 She blocked his punch before she punched him nine times.
 Sophie pushed Charlie Cheerleader on top of Shit For Brains Lad groin on rear end and chest on spine while Shit For Brains Lad lay on top of Extreme Universe Edition Skunk Lord groin on rear end and chest on spine as Extreme Universe Edition Skunk Lord lay on top of Drama King groin on rear end and chest on spine as Drama King lay on top of Skunk Lord groin on rear end and chest on spine as he lay on Ice Skating Lad groin on rear end and chest on spine. 
Sophie said, "Now it's time for me to escape justice while I still can."
Extreme Universe Edition Skunk Lord cried out, "Oh no, this is terrible.  Sophie Scheder must die now before it's too late."
Charlie Cheerleader said, "I can't move until I experience an extreme rush of excitement around the same time that Sophie Scheder dies.  But I can't kill her while doing that at the same time.  What can I do if Sophie Scheder must die at the same time I have an extreme burst of excitement and she won't die.  This is terrible.  We must do something."
 Sophie approached Charlie Cheerleader on top of Shit For Brains Lad groin on rear end and chest on spine while Shit For Brains Lad lay on top of Extreme Universe Edition Skunk Lord groin on rear end and chest on spine as Extreme Universe Edition Skunk Lord lay on top of Drama King groin on rear end and chest on spine as Drama King lay on top of Skunk Lord groin on rear end and chest on spine as he lay on Ice Skating Lad groin on rear end and chest on spine.  Sophie smirked as she approached the three men with intention to kill or die in the process.  Sophie tripped on Skunk Lord's feet and she fell face first to the ground.  No girl watched as Sophie fell and lay down face down without moving.

Sophie Scheder died instantly.  Sophie Scheder is legally dead.  Charlie Cheerleader, Shit For Brains Lad,  Extreme Universe Edition Skunk Lord, Drama King, Skunk Lord and Ice Skating Lad felt an extreme burst of emotion followed by an orgasm as Sophie Scheder legally died simultaneously.  Sophie Scheder's dead body teleported outside of the Dandelion Gymnastics Gymnasium and on top of Andreea Iridon's dead body.  There is no longer a girl to tempt Charlie Cheerleader, Shit For Brains Lad,  Extreme Universe Edition Skunk Lord, Drama King, Skunk Lord and Ice Skating Lad as they masturbated on top of each other fully clothed because Sophie has been teleported on top of the same gender sexual opportunity that instantly causes permanent death---In this case, it was Andreea's dead body that caused permanent death for Sophie. 

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