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A Gratuitous Stallone Pic for Charlie Williams

Sly is here shooting Rocky Balboa, of course, so the city is going Stallone cold crazy. Here's a photo snapped at the Philadelphia Palm Restaurant and e-mailed to me at the City Paper. We usually don't run this kind of thing, so Secret Dead Blog is happy to pick up the slack and present it here. However, Secret Dead Blog is not a real journalistic enterprise, and frankly, I couldn't be arsed to run the proper caption info, including the names of the two women standing next to Stallone. (Hell, the Palm's lucky Secret Dead Blog mentioned them.)

So yeah... I'm mostly running this photo for Charlie Williams -- avowed Rocky fan and author of King of the Road, out from Serpent's Tail this week -- who probably wishes he could be in Philly right now. Best thing you can do is pick up a copy of King so Mr. Williams will make tons of money from this, the third installment in his brilliant Mangel series, and use the proceeds to fly to Philadelphia, so he can kneel down and kiss the Art Museum steps or something.

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