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Better NEVER than LATE - my A to Z REFLECTIONS

Well, I outdid myself with my tardiness - epic late. But, it could not be helped. (FYI - I am the last one on the Linky List - now, isn't that just appropriate!)

Here are my thoughts about the 2015 A to Z Blogging Challenge.

My buddy, Bushman, summed up his feelings (the not so happy feelings) in his reflections post. He speaks for me with what he says so I’m not going to regurgitate it all again here.

Point is… I share his feelings.

I struggled with what I wanted to say and almost decided on giving the Reflection Post a miss.

BUT… here I am.


In a nutshell I had fun participating in the Blogging from A to Z Challenge.

I met some really cool new bloggers, they can be found over there to the right in the BLOGS OF NOTE - NEW ADDITIONS list. If you made it on this list you know I’m staying in touch.

If you’re a longtime regular, you’re probably on my BLOGS OF NOTE - THE ORIGINALS list. I read you, I enjoy you, and I thank you! You are the reason I blog as much as I do. 

Without my posse (Al, Ruth, Bushman) this year would have been harder. 

I twittered up a storm, and met some awesome folks out there too. Amazing.

Now… I wanted to end this by telling you all that over the next little while I’m going to be knee deep in the final stages of getting a book ready for press.

Yes… it’s true.

Part of the struggle for me this year, with the Challenge, was doing double duty. I can safely say I’m burned out, but in a good way.

I’ll be filling you in on all the gory details in the weeks to come.

Until then, thanks for making my April go by so fast.

Okay… a question… because I know a question makes you think.

What do you think my book is about?  (hahahaha - hint… not about me!)

Cheers, Jenny

A special shout out to Arlee Bird, from Tossing It Out. He’s the Founder and Creator of the  April Blogging from A to Z Challenge, As well as being a blogging friend, he is a great motivator and an inspiring leader. Thanks Lee - you rock!

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