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Right outside of my bedroom window is an Elm tree and this year a pair of wood pigeons decided to make a nest in the bole of some of the branches.

We have watched them making love, and then carefully over the course of several days collect the twigs and carefully lay them in the right place, it was lovely to watch them both.

The eggs were laid and they took turns sitting on the them, I read that one sits on the nest all day and the other takes the turn of all night.
These wonderful birds have sat tight on this nest through all of the high winds and lashing rain, never faultering in their task for over 2 weeks.
It must have been nearly time for the chicks to hatch, again google told me it was roughly 18 days incubation period.

This morning, a large crow was harrassing the bird on the nest.  I opened the window and banged and hissed and it flew off, but at a later time it must have come back and succeeded in getting the bird off of the nest because the nest is now abandoned.

I know this is nature and it is the way things go but it has upset me all day today.

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